A classification of 3+1D topological orders and non-degenerate unitary braided fusion 2-category

Xiao-Gang Wen (MIT)

08-Nov-2022, 15:00-16:00 (18 months ago)

Abstract: I will discuss the microscopic definition of topological orders in 3d space and its connection with non-degenerate unitary braided fusion 2-categories (or unitary fusion 3-categories with trivial center). Then I will discuss a "physical" classification of 3+1D topological orders (and non-degenerate unitary braided fusion 2-categories or unitary fusion 3-categories with trivial center).


Audience: researchers in the topic

Symmetry Seminar

Series comments: Weekly seminar on generalized symmetries in QFT, string theory and related topics.

Organizers: Sakura Schafer-Nameki*, Lakshya Bhardwaj, Apoorv Tiwari
*contact for this listing

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