When is a piecewise (a.k.a topological) full group locally compact?

Alejandra Garrido (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

02-Oct-2020, 06:00-07:00 (4 years ago)

Abstract: Question: When is a piecewise (a.k.a topological) full group locally compact?

Answer: Only when it's an ample group in the sense of Krieger (in particular, discrete, countable and locally finite) and has a Bratteli diagram satisfying certain conditions.

Complaint: Wait, isn't Neretin's group a non-discrete, locally compact, topological full group?

Retort: It is, but you need to use the correct topology!

A fleshed-out version of the above conversation will be given in the talk. Based on joint work with Colin Reid.

group theory

Audience: researchers in the discipline

Symmetry in Newcastle

Organizer: Michal Ferov*
*contact for this listing

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