Groups acting on regular trees and t.d.l.c. groups

George Willis (University of Newcastle)

01-Jul-2022, 04:00-05:00 (22 months ago)

Abstract: Groups acting on regular trees and t.d.l.c. groups Abstract: Groups of automorphisms of regular trees are an important source of examples of and intuition about totally disconnected, locally compact (t.d.l.c.) groups. Indeed, Pierre-Emmanuel Caprice has called them a microcosm the general theory of t.d.l.c. groups. Although much is know about them, many questions remain open. This talk will survey some of what is known about groups of tree automorphisms and how it relates to the general theory.

group theory

Audience: researchers in the discipline

Symmetry in Newcastle

Organizer: Michal Ferov*
*contact for this listing

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