The way to a fully modularized Sage library 10.0

Matthias Köppe (UC Davis)

01-Jun-2022, 20:00-20:45 (3 years ago)

Abstract: In May 2020, I proposed to modularize the Sage library into separate pip-installable distributions by means of PEP 420 implicit namespace packages. I will give an overview of the status of this project 2 years and 200 Trac tickets later, and give a roadmap to the completion of the project as the proposed milestone goal for Sage 10.0.

mathematical softwaresymbolic computationMathematics

Audience: advanced learners

( chat | paper | video )

Global Virtual SageDays 112.358

Organizers: Matthias Köppe*, Jean-Philippe Labbé*, Yuan Zhou*
*contact for this listing

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