Pseudo-Riemannian manifolds in SageMath: the Schwarzschild spacetime example

Éric Gourgoulhon (Observatoire de Paris)

29-Oct-2020, 16:00-17:00 (4 years ago)

mathematical softwaresymbolic computationMathematics

Audience: researchers in the topic

( chat | slides | video )

Comments: To get the password for the zoom meeting, evaluate print(bytes.fromhex('53537433547a4d314f54646861476c4b5748464f567a465652586450647a3039').decode()) in Python 3 or go to

Global Virtual SageDays 110

Series comments: 48-hour virtual event for users and developers of SageMath

Please register, before or during the event at

Links to individual videostreams will be posted there before the beginning of each talk.

Organizers: Travis Scrimshaw*, Yuan Zhou*, Tomer Bauer, Samuel Lelièvre, Julian Rüth*
*contact for this listing

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