Distribution of traces of Frobenius and the Lang-Trotter conjecture on average for families of elliptic curves

Nahid Walji (University of British Columbia)

06-Oct-2022, 23:00-00:00 (18 months ago)

Abstract: In this talk I will discuss distribution results for traces of Frobenius for various families of elliptic curves with respect to the Lang--Trotter conjecture and extremal primes. These are related to the work of Sha--Shparlinski on the average Lang--Trotter conjecture for single-parametric families as well as the work of various authors on the distribution of traces of Frobenius for primes in congruence classes. This is joint work with my former student Nathan Fugleberg.

algebraic geometrynumber theory

Audience: researchers in the topic

SFU NT-AG seminar

Series comments: Description: Research/departmental seminar

Seminar usually meets in-person. For online editions, the Zoom link is shared via mailing list.

Organizers: Katrina Honigs*, Nils Bruin*
*contact for this listing

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