Torus knots and characters of vertex operator algebras
Shashank Kanade (University of Denver)
Abstract: I will explain how invariants of torus knots, coloured with representations of a finite-dimensional simply-laced Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ lead to characters of the corresponding principal $W$-algebra (which is a kind of vertex operator algebra). This relationship rests on a conjecture about asymptotic weight multiplicities in finite-dimensional irreducible $\mathfrak{g}$-modules.
mathematical physicsalgebraic geometrygeometric topology
Audience: researchers in the topic
Richmond Geometry Meeting 2024
Series comments: The Richmond Geometry Meeting will focus on emergent research topics while bringing together researchers in algebraic geometry, low-dimensional topology, and mathematical physics. In summer 2024, we will highlight developments in Geometric Topology and Moduli.
Zoom meeting id: 835 6496 8395 password: RGMVCU2024
Organizers: | Nicola Tarasca*, Allison Moore*, Marco Aldi* |
*contact for this listing |