Algebraic varieties at the extremes

Burt Totaro (UCLA)

13-Aug-2024, 13:00-14:00 (7 months ago)

Abstract: In trying to classify algebraic varieties, there is a particular fascination in trying to construct varieties with extreme behavior. For example, try to find Calabi-Yau varieties with large Betti numbers, or varieties of general type with many vanishing plurigenera. We construct varieties with doubly exponential behavior for several such problems. Some of these examples are conjecturally optimal. (Joint with Louis Esser and Chengxi Wang.)

mathematical physicsalgebraic geometrygeometric topology

Audience: researchers in the topic

Richmond Geometry Meeting 2024

Series comments: The Richmond Geometry Meeting will focus on emergent research topics while bringing together researchers in algebraic geometry, low-dimensional topology, and mathematical physics. In summer 2024, we will highlight developments in Geometric Topology and Moduli.

Zoom meeting id: 835 6496 8395 password: RGMVCU2024

Organizers: Nicola Tarasca*, Allison Moore*, Marco Aldi*
*contact for this listing

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