Peter Bijl (Utrecht University)

10-Nov-2022, 05:00-06:00 (21 months ago)

geochemistryglobal environmental changegeophysics

Audience: researchers in the discipline

ANU Research School of Earth Sciences school seminar

Series comments: The ANU Research School of Earth Sciences seminar series regularly features academics, students, and researchers from Australia and around the world to present topics covering the entire range of earth sciences.

The seminars are held in the Jaeger 1 Seminar Room at RSES on Thursdays at 3 pm and also broadcast on zoom ( ID: 606-666-0101, lightly protected via a password "jaeger" ). They are open to the ANU community and public. Talks will generally be made available on the RSES Seminar website in the days following the seminar.

Organizers: Jinyin Hu, Thanh-Son Pham, Laura Otter, Penny King*, Adele Morrison*
Curator: RSES Seminar Committee
*contact for this listing

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