Co-amenable quantum homogeneous spaces of compact Kac quantum groups

Fatemeh Khosravi (Seoul National University, South Korea)

29-Nov-2022, 10:00-11:00 (17 months ago)

Abstract: Given a locally compact group G, Leptin's theorem states that G is amenable if and only if the Fourier algebra A(G) admits a bounded approximate identity, where the latter property is known as co-amenability of the quantum dual of G. In the quantum setting, this characterization is known as the duality between amenability and co-amenability. It is proved that a discrete quantum group is amenable if and only if its dual compact quantum group is co-amenable. The definition of co-amenability for quantum homogeneous spaces is given by Kalantar-Kasprzak-Skalski-Vergnioux. Furthermore, they ask whether the co-amenability of a quantum homogeneous space is equivalent to the (relative) amenability of its co-dual. In this talk, we will answer this question for quantum homogeneous spaces of compact Kac quantum groups under a mild assumption. Based on joint work with Mehrdad Kalantar.

operator algebrasquantum algebra

Audience: researchers in the topic

Quantum Groups Seminar [QGS]

Series comments: This seminar aims to bring together experts in the area of quantum groups. The seminar topics will cover the theory of quantum groups and related structures in a large sense: Hopf algebras, operator algebras, q-deformations, higher categories and related branches of noncommutative mathematics.

The zoom link will be distributed by mail, so please join the mailing list if you are interested in attending the seminar.

Organizers: Rubén Martos, Frank Taipe*, Makoto Yamashita
*contact for this listing

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