Algebraic quantum hypergroups and duality

Alfons Van Daele (KU Leuven, Belgium)

15-Nov-2022, 15:00-16:00 (17 months ago)

Abstract: Let $G$ be a finite group and $H$ a subgroup. The set $\mathcal{G}$ of double cosets $HpH$, with $p \in G$ has the structure of an hypergroup. The product of two elements $HpH$ and $HqH$ is the set of cosets $HrH$ where $r \in pHq$. The algebra $A$ of functions on $\mathcal{G}$ is the space of functions on $G$ that are constant on double cosets. It carries a natural coproduct, dual to the product, and given by $$∆(p,q) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{h \in H} f(phq)$$ where $n$ is the number of elements in $H$. The dual algebra is known as the Hecke algebra associated with the pair $G,H$. In this talk I will discuss the notion of an algebraic quantum hypergroup, its fundamental properties and duality for algebraic quantum hypergroups. I will illustrate this with an example, coming from bicrossproduct theory, constructed from a pair of closed subgroups $H$ and $K$ of a group $G$, with the assumption that $H \cap K = {e}$. This is part of more general work in progress with M. Landstad (NTNU, Trondheim)

operator algebrasquantum algebra

Audience: researchers in the topic

Quantum Groups Seminar [QGS]

Series comments: This seminar aims to bring together experts in the area of quantum groups. The seminar topics will cover the theory of quantum groups and related structures in a large sense: Hopf algebras, operator algebras, q-deformations, higher categories and related branches of noncommutative mathematics.

The zoom link will be distributed by mail, so please join the mailing list if you are interested in attending the seminar.

Organizers: Rubén Martos, Frank Taipe*, Makoto Yamashita
*contact for this listing

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