A covariant Stinespring theorem

Dominic Verdon (University of Bristol, UK)

27-Sep-2021, 14:00-15:00 (3 years ago)

Abstract: We will introduce a finite-dimensional covariant Stinespring theorem for compact quantum groups. Let G be a compact quantum group, and let T:= Rep(G) be the rigid C*-tensor category of finite-dimensional continuous unitary representations of G. Let Mod(T) be the rigid C*-2-category of cofinite semisimple finitely decomposable T-module categories. We show that finite-dimensional G-C*-algebras (a.k.a C*-dynamical systems) can be identified with equivalence classes of 1-morphisms out of the object T in Mod(T). For 1-morphisms X: T -> M1, Y: T -> M2, we show that covariant channels between the corresponding G-C*-algebras can be 'dilated' to isometries t: X -> Y \otimes E, where E: M2 -> M1 is some 'environment' 1-morphism. Dilations are unique up to partial isometry on the environment; in particular, the dilation minimising the quantum dimension of the environment is unique up to a unitary. When G is a compact group this implies and generalises previous covariant Stinespring-type theorems.

We will also discuss some results relating to rigid C*-2-categories, including that any connected semisimple rigid C*-2-category is equivalent to Mod(T) for some rigid C*-tensor category T. (Here semisimple means not just semisimplicity of Hom-categories but also idempotent splitting for 1-morphisms, direct sums for objects, etc.)

This talk is based on the paper arXiv:2108.09872.

category theoryoperator algebrasquantum algebra

Audience: researchers in the topic

( paper )

Quantum Groups Seminar [QGS]

Series comments: This seminar aims to bring together experts in the area of quantum groups. The seminar topics will cover the theory of quantum groups and related structures in a large sense: Hopf algebras, operator algebras, q-deformations, higher categories and related branches of noncommutative mathematics.

The zoom link will be distributed by mail, so please join the mailing list if you are interested in attending the seminar.

Organizers: Rubén Martos, Frank Taipe*, Makoto Yamashita
*contact for this listing

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