Noncommutative Tensor Triangular Geometry

Daniel Nakano (University of Georgia, USA)

22-Feb-2021, 15:00-16:00 (3 years ago)

Abstract: In this talk, I will show how to develop a general noncommutative version of Balmer's tensor triangular geometry that is applicable to arbitrary monoidal triangulated categories (M$\Delta$C). Insights from noncommutative ring theory is used to obtain a framework for prime, semiprime, and completely prime (thick) ideals of an M$\Delta$C, $\mathbf K $, and then to associate to $\mathbf K$ a topological space --the Balmer spectrum $\text{Spc }{\mathbf K}$.

We develop a general framework for (noncommutative) support data, coming in three different flavors, and show that $\text{Spc }{\mathbf K}$ is a universal terminal object for the first two notions (support and weak support). The first two types of support data are then used in a theorem that gives a method for the explicit classification of the thick (two-sided) ideals and the Balmer spectrum of an M$\Delta$C. The third type (quasi support) is used in another theorem that provides a method for the explicit classification of the thick right ideals of $\mathbf K$, which in turn can be applied to classify the thick two-sided ideals and $\text{Spc }{\mathbf K}$.

If time permits applications will be given for quantum groups and non-cocommutative finite-dimensional Hopf algebras studied by Benson and Witherspoon.

This is joint and ongoing work with Milen Yakimov and Kent Vashaw

category theoryquantum algebra

Audience: researchers in the topic

Quantum Groups Seminar [QGS]

Series comments: This seminar aims to bring together experts in the area of quantum groups. The seminar topics will cover the theory of quantum groups and related structures in a large sense: Hopf algebras, operator algebras, q-deformations, higher categories and related branches of noncommutative mathematics.

The zoom link will be distributed by mail, so please join the mailing list if you are interested in attending the seminar.

Organizers: Rubén Martos, Frank Taipe*, Makoto Yamashita
*contact for this listing

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