An exponential bound for exponential diffsequences

Alexander Clifton (Emory University)

15-Feb-2021, 13:30-14:00 (3 years ago)

Abstract: A theorem of van der Waerden states that for any positive integer $r$, if you partition $\mathbf{N}$ into $r$ disjoint subsets, then one of them will contain arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions. It is natural to ask what other arithmetic structures are preserved when partitioning $\mathbf{N}$ into a finite number of disjoint sets and to pose quantitative questions about these. We consider $D$-diffsequences, introduced by Landman and Robertson, which are increasing sequences in which the consecutive differences all lie in some given set $D$. Here, we consider the case where $D$ consists of all powers of $2$ and define $f(k)$ to be the smallest $n$ such that partitioning $\{1,2,\cdots,n\}$ into $2$ subsets guarantees the presence of a $D$-diffsequence of length $k$ contained entirely within one subset. We establish that $f(k)$ grows exponentially.

number theory

Audience: researchers in the discipline

POINT: New Developments in Number Theory

Series comments: There will be two 20-minute contributed talks during each meeting aimed at a general number theory audience, including graduate students.

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Organizers: Jessica Fintzen*, Karol Koziol*, Joshua Males*, Aaron Pollack, Manami Roy*, Soumya Sankar*, Ananth Shankar*, Vaidehee Thatte*, Charlotte Ure*
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