Zero measure spectrum for multi-frequency Schrödinger operators

Philipp Gohlke (Universität Bielefeld)

11-Jan-2022, 13:30-14:30 (2 years ago)

Abstract: Cantor spectrum of zero Lebesgue measure is a striking feature of Schrödinger operators associated with certain models of aperiodic order, like primitive substitution systems or Sturmian subshifts. This is known to follow from a condition introduced by Boshernitzan that establishes that on infinitely many scales words of the same length appear with a similar frequency. Building on works of Berthé–Steiner–Thuswaldner and Fogg–Nous we show that on the two-dimensional torus, Lebesgue almost every translation admits a natural coding such that the associated subshift satisfies the Boshernitzan criterion (joint work with J.Chaika, D.Damanik and J.Fillman).

dynamical systemsnumber theory

Audience: researchers in the topic

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One World Numeration seminar

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