Spectral aspects of aperiodic dynamical systems

Michael Baake (Universität Bielefeld)

26-Oct-2021, 12:30-13:30 (2 years ago)

Abstract: One way to analyse aperiodic systems employs spectral notions, either via dynamical systems theory or via harmonic analysis. In this talk, we will look at two particular aspects of this, after a quick overview of how the diffraction measure can be used for this purpose. First, we consider some concequences of inflation rules on the spectra via renormalisation, and how to use it to exclude absolutely continuous componenta. Second, we take a look at a class of dynamical systems of number-theoretic origin, how they fit into the spectral picture, and what (other) methods there are to distinguish them.

dynamical systemsnumber theory

Audience: researchers in the topic

One World Numeration seminar

Series comments: Description: Online seminar on numeration systems and related topics

For questions or subscribing to the mailing list, contact the organisers at numeration@irif.fr

Organizers: Shigeki Akiyama, Ayreena Bakhtawar, Karma Dajani, Kevin Hare, Hajime Kaneko, Niels Langeveld, Lingmin Liao, Wolfgang Steiner*
*contact for this listing

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