On singular substitution Z-actions

Boris Solomyak (University of Bar-Ilan)

19-May-2020, 12:30-13:30 (4 years ago)

Abstract: We consider primitive aperiodic substitutions on $d$ letters and the spectral properties of associated dynamical systems. In an earlier work we introduced a spectral cocycle, related to a kind of matrix Riesz product, which extends the (transpose) substitution matrix to the $d$-dimensional torus. The asymptotic properties of this cocycle provide local information on the (fractal) dimension of spectral measures. In the talk I will discuss a sufficient condition for the singularity of the spectrum in terms of the top Lyapunov exponent of this cocycle.

This is a joint work with A. Bufetov.

dynamical systemsnumber theory

Audience: researchers in the topic

( paper )

One World Numeration seminar

Series comments: Description: Online seminar on numeration systems and related topics

For questions or subscribing to the mailing list, contact the organisers at numeration@irif.fr

Organizers: Shigeki Akiyama, Ayreena Bakhtawar, Karma Dajani, Kevin Hare, Hajime Kaneko, Niels Langeveld, Lingmin Liao, Wolfgang Steiner*
*contact for this listing

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