Łojasiewicz inequalities near simple bubble trees for the $H$ surface equation

Melanie Rupflin (University of Oxford)

04-Aug-2020, 17:00-18:00 (4 years ago)

Abstract: In this talk we discuss a gap phenomenon for critical points of the $H$-functional on closed non-spherical surfaces when $H$ is constant, and in this setting furthermore prove that sequences of almost critical points satisfy Łojasiewicz inequalities as they approach the first non-trivial bubble tree.

To prove these results we derive sufficient conditions for Łojasiewicz inequalities to hold near a finite-dimensional submanifold of almost-critical points for suitable functionals on a Hilbert space.

The presented results are joint work with Andrea Malchiodi and Ben Sharp.


Audience: researchers in the topic

Online Seminar "Geometric Analysis"

Series comments: We discuss recent trends related to geometric analysis in a broad sense. The general idea is to solve geometric problems by means of advanced tools in analysis. We will include a wide range of topics such as geometric flows, curvature functionals, discrete differential geometry, and numerical simulation.

Registration and links to videos available at blatt.sbg.ac.at/onlineseminar.php

Organizers: Simon Blatt*, Philipp Reiter*, Armin Schikorra*, Guofang Wang
*contact for this listing

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