Decidability results of subtheories of commonly used domains in Algebra and Number Theory
Dimitra Chompitaki (University of Crete)
08-Jul-2021, 18:00-19:00 (4 years ago)
Abstract: We will present some known decidability and undecidability results for theories of the ring-structures of commonly used domains (Polynomial Rings, Rational Functions, Formal Power Series). Then we will focus on ongoing research relating to some subtheories such as: (a) Addition and the Frobenius map for subrings of Rational Functions of positive characteristic, and (b) Addition and Divisibility for Formal Power Series. The latter results fall mostly on the "decidability" side: model completeness and elimination of quantifiers.
commutative algebraalgebraic geometrylogicnumber theory
Audience: researchers in the topic
Series comments: Description: Seminar on all areas of logic
Organizer: | Wesley Calvert* |
*contact for this listing |
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