New Measures of Automatic Complexity Arising from Quantum Logic

Janani Lakshmanan (University of Hawaii)

31-Oct-2024, 18:00-19:00 (4 months ago)

Abstract: The automatic complexity of finite words was introduced by Shallit and Wang (2001). It measures the complexity of a word xx as the minimum number of states of a finite automaton that uniquely accepts xx. Here, an automaton MM uniquely accepts a word xx if xx is the only word of length x|x| accepted by MM. Via the digraph representation of automata we can view the computation of this number of states as a problem of extremal graph theory. A quantum version of automatic complexity was first studied by Kjos-Hanssen (2017). In this talk, we explore several new measures of automatic complexity motivated by the geometric subspace structure of the automata and the associated quantum logic. In keeping with the Hallowe'en spirit, We consider some generalizations of quantum finite automata with the application of an immortality constraint, considering a family of automata without dead states.

discrete mathematicsformal languages and automata theoryquantum computing and informationlogicquantum physics

Audience: researchers in the topic

Online logic seminar

Series comments: Description: Seminar on all areas of logic

Organizer: Wesley Calvert*
*contact for this listing

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