Residuated Lattices: algebraic constructions related to substructural logics

Manuela Busaniche (CCT CONICET Santa Fe)

30-Jul-2020, 18:00-19:00 (5 years ago)

Abstract: Substructural logics are logics that, when they are formulated in a Gentzen style system, they lack some of the structural rules: contraction, weakening or exchange.The importance of the theory of substructural logics relies on the fact that they provide a common framework where different logical systems can be compared. They include intuitionistic logic, fuzzy logics, relevance logics, linear logic, many-valued logics and others.

Their algebraic semantics are based on residuated lattices. The class of these ordered algebraic structures is quite big and hard to study, but it contains some proper subclasses that are well-known such as Boolean algebras, Heyting algebras, MV-algebras. In this talk we will see different constructions of new residuated lattices based on better-known algebras.

logic in computer scienceprogramming languageslogic

Audience: researchers in the topic

Online logic seminar

Series comments: Description: Seminar on all areas of logic

Organizer: Wesley Calvert*
*contact for this listing

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