Computable categoricity relative to a degree
Java Darleen Villano (University of Connecticut)
Abstract: A computable structure is said to be computably categorical relative to a degree if for all -computable copies of , there exists a -computable isomorphism between and . In 2021 result by Downey, Harrison-Trainor, and Melnikov, it was shown that there exists a computable graph such that for an infinite increasing sequence of c.e.\ degrees , was computably categorical relative to each but not computably categorical relative to each . That is, the behavior of categoricity relative to a degree is not monotonic under . In this talk, we will sketch how to extend this result for partial orders of c.e.\ degrees, and discuss some future directions of this project.
Audience: researchers in the topic
Series comments: Description: Seminar on all areas of logic
Organizer: | Wesley Calvert* |
*contact for this listing |