McKay correspondence II

Emre Coşkun (METU)

04-Nov-2022, 12:40-13:40 (18 months ago)

Abstract: Let $G \subset SU(2)$ be a finite subgroup containing $-I$, and let $Q$ be the corresponding Euclidean graph. Given an orientation on $Q$, one can define the (bounded) derived category of the representations of the resulting quiver. Let $\bar{G} = G / {\pm I}$. Then one can also define the category $Coh_{\bar{G}}(\mathbb{P}^1)$ of $\bar{G}$-equivariant coherent sheaves on the projective line; this abelian category also has a (bounded) derived category. In the second of these talks dedicated to the McKay correspondence, we establish an equivalence between the two derived categories mentioned above.

algebraic geometry

Audience: researchers in the discipline

Comments: This is a hybrid talk. To request Zoom link please write to

ODTU-Bilkent Algebraic Geometry Seminars

Organizer: Ali Sinan Sertöz*
*contact for this listing

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