Magnitude and intrinsic volumes of convex bodies

Mark Meckes (Case Western Reserve University)

06-Jun-2020, 15:30-16:30 (5 years ago)

Abstract: Magnitude is an isometric invariant of metric spaces with origins in category theory. Although it is very difficult to exactly compute the magnitude of interesting subsets of Euclidean space, it can be shown that magnitude, or more precisely its behavior with respect to scaling, recovers many classical geometric invariants, such as volume, surface area, and Minkowski dimension. I will survey what is known about this, including results of Barcelo--Carbery, Gimperlein--Goffeng, Leinster, Willerton, and myself, and sketch the proof of an upper bound for the magnitude of a convex body in Euclidean space in terms of intrinsic volumes.

analysis of PDEsmetric geometry

Audience: researchers in the topic

Online asymptotic geometric analysis seminar

Series comments: The link:

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Organizers: Galyna Livshyts*, Liran Rotem*, Dmitry Ryabogin, Konstantin Tikhomirov, Artem Zvavitch
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