Novel view on classical convexity theory

23-May-2020, 15:30-16:30 (5 years ago)

Abstract: In this talk we will introduce and study the class of flowers. A flower in R^n is an arbitrary union of balls which contain the origin. While flowers are not necessarily convex, they are in one to one correspond with the class of convex bodies containing the origin, so by studying flowers we are also studying convex bodies from a new viewpoint. We will give several equivalent definitions of flowers and describe some of their basic properties. We will also discuss how to apply an arbitrary (real) function to a flower, and the corresponding construction for convex bodies. In particular, we will explain how to raise a flower to a given power. Finally, we will discuss some elements of the asymptotic theory of flowers. In particular we will present a Dvoretzky-type theorem for flowers which actually gives better estimates than the corresponding estimates for convex bodies. Based on two papers by the speakers, the first of which is joint with E. Milman.

analysis of PDEsmetric geometry

Audience: researchers in the topic

Online asymptotic geometric analysis seminar

Series comments: The link:

If you are interested in giving a talk, please let one of the organizers know. Also, please suggest speakers which you would like to hear talk. Most talks are 50 minutes, but some 20-minute talks will be paired up as well. The talks will be video recorded conditioned upon the speakers' agreement.

Organizers: Galyna Livshyts*, Liran Rotem*, Dmitry Ryabogin, Konstantin Tikhomirov, Artem Zvavitch
*contact for this listing

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