Explicit Rational Equivalences of Points on Surfaces

Jonathan Love (Stanford University)

04-Feb-2021, 19:00-20:30 (3 years ago)

Abstract: The Chow group of zero-cycles on a smooth projective surface X is obtained by taking the free abelian group generated by closed points on X, and declaring two elements (“zero-cycles”) to be equal if their difference is a sum of divisors of rational functions on curves in X; in this setting we say the zero-cycles are “rationally equivalent.” These Chow groups are notoriously difficult to compute; while a set of conjectures due to Bloch and Beilinson predict certain relations must hold in these groups when X is defined over a number field, there are very few non-trivial cases in which these relations have been proven to hold. In this talk, I will discuss several techniques that can be used to compute rational equivalences exhibiting some of the expected relations, in the case that X is a product of two elliptic curves over Q.

number theory

Audience: researchers in the topic

CRM-CICMA Québec Vermont Seminar Series

Series comments: En ligne/Web - Pour information, veuillez communiquer à / For details, please contact: activités@crm.umontreal.ca

Organizers: Centre de recherches mathématiques, Flore Lubin*, Henri Darmon, Chantal David
*contact for this listing

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