Non commutative cluster coordinates for Higher Teichmüller Spaces

Daniele Alessandrini (Columbia University)

21-Sep-2022, 19:00-20:00 (19 months ago)

Abstract: In higher Teichmuller theory we study subsets of the character varieties of surface groups that are higher rank analogs of Teichmuller spaces, e.g. the Hitchin components, the spaces of maximal representations and the other spaces of positive representations.

Fock-Goncharov generalized Thurston's shear coordinates and Penner's Lambda-lengths to the Hitchin components, showing that they have a beautiful structure of cluster variety.

We applied a similar strategy to Maximal Representations and we found new coordinates on these spaces that give them a structure of non-commutative cluster varieties, in the sense defined by Berenstein-Rethak. This is based on a joint work with Guichard, Rogozinnikov and Wienhard and one with Berenstein, Rethak, Rogozinnikov and Wienhard.

In an project in progress we are generalizing these coordinates to the other sets of positive representations, using some tools we developed.

geometric topologynumber theoryoperator algebrasrepresentation theory

Audience: researchers in the topic

( video )

Noncommutative Geometry in NYC

Series comments: Noncommutative Geometry studies an interplay between spatial forms and algebras with non-commutative multiplication. Our seminar welcomes talks in Number Theory, Geometric Topology and Representation Theory linked to the context of Operator Algebras. All talks are kept at the entry-level accessible to the graduate students and non-experts in the field. To join us click (5 min in advance) and igor DOT v DOT nikolaev AT gmail DOT com to subscribe/unsubscribe for the mailing list, to propose a talk or to suggest a speaker. Pending speaker's consent, we record and publish all talks at the hyperlink "video" on speaker's profile at the "Past talks" section. The slides can be posted by providing the organizers with a link in the format "". The duration of talks is 1 hour plus or minus 10 minutes.

Organizers: Alexander A. Katz, Igor V. Nikolaev*
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