Cohado: Designing Community Organization Strategies

Paulo Gregory (Cohado®)

Wed Sep 25, 16:00-17:00 (2 days ago)

Abstract: Inventor Paulo Gregory articulated the Cohado® platform as a response to the dominant, hierarchal operating structures that govern virtually all of contemporary human behavior. Through applying and testing this system in a broad array of real-world contexts with individuals, youth, teams, communities, startups, corporations, and government, he realized that the 8 underlying principles represented by 7 symbols of Cohado®, could be used for emergent and inclusive strategic design and implementation in virtually any collaborative endeavor.

The symbols, which represent vision, viewpoint, relationship, creativity, structure, manifestation, community, and regeneration, can be utilized to elevate virtually any collective process from concept to integration WITH the community or culture it supports. Cohado® offers insights into emergent and regenerative structures that align with the systems of nature, indigenous cultures throughout the world, and those contemporary design-thinkers and stewards are reaching towards to solve the complex challenges we face to manifest innovation of healthy and sustainable organizing systems and solutions.

Paulo will reveal the design process that went into the evolution and implementation of the game and associated operating system through real-world application. He and his team have developed a stunning web-based Virtual Cohado® platform that will form the foundation of broad tech-enabled applications of the Cohado® system.

The Cohado® system is fundamentally collaborative. Paulo is deeply interested in exploring potential partnerships in the spaces of governance, AI, and blockchain integration. He is also interested in a neuroscience collaboration to measure the impact of this tool on cognitive shifts occurring through engagement with Cohado®.

artificial intelligencecomputational engineering, finance, and scienceemerging technologiesgame theoryhuman-computer interactionneural and evolutionary computingoperating systemssocial and information networkssystems and controlbehavioral economicsdecision theorylaw and economicsmarket designpolitical economyurban economics

Audience: general audience

( paper | video )

Comments: Paulo shared deep gratitude for this opportunity to meet with the Metagov stewards of change. This session comes at a moment that aligns with the launch of both the Cohado® physical and virtual tools, and an 8 week immersion into the broader principals of this model in partnership with the Startup Champions Network through the Cohado® Ecosystem Culture Challenge []. He welcomes any Metagov members to join in these opportunities to collaboratively learn and share with other stewards in this critical space at a critical time.

Metagovernance Seminar

Series comments: - - > > Meeting Link: < < - -

The Metagovernance Seminar invites individuals working in online governance to present their work to a community of other researchers and practitioners. Topics of the seminar include, but are not limited to, computational tools for governance, governance incidents and case studies from online communities, topics in cryptoeconomics, and the design of digital constitutions.

See archived videos:

The seminar is intended for researchers and practitioners in online governance, broadly defined. We welcome guests and curious members of the public, but please note that the discussion is moderated. Our governance structure is defined here:

Please contact a planning committee member (Cent Hosten, Nathan Schneider, Divya Siddarth, Michael Zargham, Joshua Tan, and Seth Frey) if you are interested in becoming a member of the seminar.

Where available, a direct link to the archived video is linked beneath the video tags.

Join our community to participate in the discussions around this series:


- Time: every Wednesday at 12:00pm ET (GMT-4). - Meeting Link:

Organizers: Joshua Tan*, Nathan Schneider*, Amy X. Zhang*, Cent Hosten*, Eugene Leventhal*, Val Elefante*, Nitin Naidu Mariserla*
*contact for this listing

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