Metagov Short Talks

Metagov Community

08-Mar-2023, 17:00-18:00 (14 months ago)

Abstract: Jinpeng Xu, Community Designers of DAO

Fotis Tsiroukis, How Incentives Lead Us Astray


Community Designers of DAO:

What points or contributions can designers as participants make to achieve online governance in terms of transition and innovation? a) Designers achieve decentralization through the transfer of rights and join the community as participants. b)The transition stage has several core but uncertain problems as the point of departure to transition design. c) Improve community literacy through the design of information and data.

How Incentives Lead Us Astray:

Incentive design rests on background assumptions about human nature, behavior and motivation that should be critically examined. One primary assumption is that humans are driven by external motivations and that they will keep reacting the same way to the same kind of external motivation as time passes by. Phenomena in behavioral psychology such as the over-justification effect however challenge this assumption.

game theoryhuman-computer interactionsocial and information networkslaw and economics

Audience: researchers in the topic

( chat )

Metagovernance Seminar

Series comments: The Metagovernance Seminar invites individuals working in online governance to present their work to a community of other researchers and practitioners. Topics of the seminar include, but are not limited to, computational tools for governance, governance incidents and case studies from online communities, topics in cryptoeconomics, and the design of digital constitutions.

See archived videos:

The seminar is intended for researchers and practitioners in online governance, broadly defined. We welcome guests and curious members of the public, but please note that the discussion is moderated. Our governance structure is defined here:

Please contact a planning committee member (Cent Hosten, Nathan Schneider, Divya Siddarth, Michael Zargham, Joshua Tan, and Seth Frey) if you are interested in becoming a member of the seminar.

Where available, a direct link to the archived video is linked beneath the video tags.

Join our community to participate in the discussions around this series:


- Time: every Wednesday at 12:00pm ET (GMT-4). - Meeting Link:

Organizers: Joshua Tan*, Nathan Schneider*, Jenny Fan*, Michael Zargham*, Amy X. Zhang*, Cent*, Eugene Leventhal*, Val Elefante*
*contact for this listing

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