The Bloch--Kato conjecture for critical values of GSp(4) L-functions

David Loeffler (University of Warwick)

23-Mar-2021, 14:30-15:30 (3 years ago)

Abstract: In Sarah's talk last week, she explained the construction of a family of Galois cohomology classes (an Euler system) attached to Siegel modular forms, and related the localisations of these classes at p to non-critical values of p-adic L-functions. In this talk, I will explain how to 'analytically continue' this relation to obtain an explicit reciprocity law relating Galois cohomology classes to critical values of L-functions; and I will discuss applications of this result to the Bloch--Kato conjecture.

algebraic geometrynumber theory

Audience: researchers in the topic

( slides )

MIT number theory seminar

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Organizers: Edgar Costa*, Siyan Daniel Li-Huerta*, Bjorn Poonen*, David Roe*, Andrew Sutherland*, Robin Zhang*, Wei Zhang*, Shiva Chidambaram*
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