Moduli space of flower curves

Joel Kamnitzer (University of Toronto)

09-Nov-2022, 21:00-22:00 (18 months ago)

Abstract: The Deligne-Mumford moduli space of genus 0 curves plays many roles in representation theory. For example, the fundamental group of its real locus is the cactus group which acts on tensor products of crystals. I will discuss a variant on this space which parametrizes "flower curves". The fundamental group of the real locus of this space is the virtual cactus group. This moduli space of flower curves is also the parameter space for inhomogeneous Gaudin algebras.

representation theory

Audience: researchers in the topic

MIT Lie groups seminar

Series comments: Description: Research seminar on Lie groups

This seminar will take place entirely online: Zoom Meeting Link. You should be able to watch live video at this link. Your microphone will be muted, but you are welcome to unmute it (microphone icon on the lower left of the Zoom window, perhaps visible only when you put your mouse near there) to ask a question.

Organizers: André Lee Dixon*, Ju-Lee Kim, Roman Bezrukavnikov*
*contact for this listing

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