MIT Lie groups seminar

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representation theory


Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Wednesday 20:00-21:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: André Lee Dixon*, Ju-Lee Kim, Roman Bezrukavnikov*
*contact for this listing

Description: Research seminar on Lie groups

This seminar will take place entirely online: Zoom Meeting Link. You should be able to watch live video at this link. Your microphone will be muted, but you are welcome to unmute it (microphone icon on the lower left of the Zoom window, perhaps visible only when you put your mouse near there) to ask a question.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedNov 1621:00Carl MautnerPerverse sheaves on symmetric products of the plane
WedNov 0921:00Joel KamnitzerModuli space of flower curves
WedOct 2620:00Jialiang ZouOn some Hecke algebra modules arising from theta correspondence and it’s deformation
WedOct 1920:00Xiao WangTitle to be announced
WedOct 1220:00Dennis GaitsgoryFrom geometric Langlands to classical via the trace of Frobenius
WedOct 0520:00Alexei OblomkovAffine Springer fibers and sheaves on Hilbert scheme of points on the plane.
WedSep 2820:00Raphael Beuzart-PlessisTitle to be announced
WedSep 2120:00Dan CiubotaruWavefront sets and unipotent representations of p-adic groups
WedMay 1120:00Pramod AcharCo-t-structures on coherent sheaves and the Humphreys conjecture
WedMay 0420:00Peter DilleryTitle to be announced
WedApr 2020:00Eric SommersHessenberg varieties and the geometric modular law
WedApr 1320:00Andrei IonovTilting sheaves for real groups and Koszul duality
WedApr 0620:00Robert CassPerverse mod p sheaves on affine flag varieties
WedMar 3020:00Tom GannonCategorical Representation Theory and the Coarse Quotient
WedMar 1620:00Andrei NegutOn the trace of the affine Hecke category
WedMar 0921:00Cedric BonnafeCalogero-Moser spaces vs unipotent representations
WedMar 0221:00Tasho KalethaCharacterization and construction of the local Langlands correspondence for supercuspidal parameters
WedFeb 2321:00Yuchen FuKazhdan-Lusztig Equivalence at the Iwahori Level
WedFeb 1621:00Emile OkadaThe wavefront set and Arthur packets of p-adic groups
WedFeb 0921:00Kari VilonenMixed Hodge modules and representation theory of real groups
WedDec 0821:00Dan CiubotaruA nonabelian Fourier transform for tempered unipotent representations of p-adic groups
WedDec 0121:00Tasho KalethaSeminar Cancelled
WedNov 1721:00Alexander BravermanExamples of Hecke eigen-functions for moduli spaces of bundles over local non-archimedean field and an analog of Eisenstein series
WedNov 1021:00Milen YakimovQuantum symmetric pairs via star products
WedNov 0320:00Peter CrooksUniversal symplectic quotients via Lie theory
WedOct 2720:00Yuri BerestTopological realization of rings of quasi-invariants of finite reflection groups
WedOct 2020:00Yaping YangFrobenii on Morava E-theoretical quantum groups
WedOct 1320:00Tony FengDerived Chevalley isomorphisms
WedOct 0614:00Xuhua HeFrobenius-twisted conjugacy classes of loop groups and Demazure product of Iwhaori-Weyl groups
WedSep 2920:00Ivan LosevHarish-Chandra modules over quantizations of nilpotent orbits.
WedSep 2220:00George LusztigTotal positivity in symmetric spaces
WedSep 1520:00Wicher MaltenFrom braids to transverse slices in reductive groups
WedSep 0820:00David VoganConstructing unipotent representations
WedMay 1917:30Maria GorelikKac-Moody superalgebras and Duflo-Serganova functors
WedMay 1220:30David Ben-ZviQuantization and Duality for Spherical Varieties
WedMay 0520:30Shu-Yen PanFinite Howe correspondence and Lusztig classification
WedApr 2820:30Lucas Mason-BrownWhat is a unipotent representation?
WedApr 2120:30Tsao-Hsien ChenHitchin fibration and commuting schemes
WedApr 1420:30Vasily KrylovDrinfeld-Gaitsgory-Vinberg interpolation Grassmannian and geometric Satake equivalence
WedApr 0720:30Anton MellitMacdonald polynomials and counting parabolic bundles
WedMar 2420:30German StefanichCategorified sheaf theory and the spectral Betti Langlands TQFT
WedMar 1720:30Ting XueGraded Lie algebras, character sheaves, and representations of DAHAs
WedMar 1021:30Zhilin LuoHarmonic analysis and gamma functions on symplectic group
WedMar 0321:30Minh-Tam TrinhFrom the Hecke Category to the Unipotent Locus
WedFeb 2421:30Ivan LosevUnipotent Harish-Chandra bimodules
WedDec 1621:30Erez LapidTBA
WedDec 0921:30George LusztigFrom families in Weyl groups to unipotent elements
WedDec 0223:00Masao OITwisted endoscopic character relation for Kaletha's regular supercuspidal L-packets
WedNov 1821:30Yakov KononovElliptic stable envelopes and 3-dimensional mirror symmetry
TueNov 1021:30Harrison ChenCoherent Springer theory and categorical Deligne-Langlands
WedNov 0421:30Kostiantyn TolmachovMonodromic model for Khovanov-Rozansky homology
WedOct 2820:30Joel KamnitzerCategorical g-actions for modules over truncated shifted Yangians
WedOct 2120:30Dima ArinkinCompactifying the category of D-modules on the stack of G-bundles
WedOct 1420:30Maarten SolleveldBernstein components for p-adic groups
WedOct 0720:30Victor OstrikTwo Dimensional Field Theories and Partial Fractions
WedSep 3020:30Olivier DudasMacdonald polynomials and decomposition numbers for finite unitary groups
WedSep 2320:30Jonathan WangSpherical varieties, L-functions, and crystal bases
WedSep 1620:30Charlotte ChanA strong Henniart identity for reductive groups over finite fields
WedSep 0920:30David VoganStructure of Harish-Chandra cells
WedMay 1320:30Jeffrey AdamsUnipotent representations
WedMay 0620:30Clifton CunninghamArthur packets for G(2) and perverse sheaves on cubics
WedApr 2920:30Lucas Mason-BrownUnipotent representations of real reductive groups
WedApr 2220:30Roman BezrukavnikovCanonical bases and coherent sheaves
WedApr 1520:30Carl MautnerShadows of Lie theory in the world of matroids
WedApr 0820:30Tanmay DeshpandeCharacter sheaves on algebraic groups
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