Jordan blocks and the Bethe ansatz: The eclectic spin chain as a limit

Juan Miguel Nieto García (Surrey U., Math. Stat. Dept.)

03-Feb-2022, 14:45-16:30 (2 years ago)

Abstract: In this talk, I will present a procedure to extract the generalised eigenvectors of a non-diagonalisable matrix by considering a diagonalisable perturbation of it and computing the non-diagonalisable limit of its eigenvectors. As an example, I will show how to compute a subset of the spectrum of the eclectic spin chain by computing the appropriate limit of the Bethe states of a twisted su(3) spin chain.

HEP - theorymathematical physicsexactly solvable and integrable systems

Audience: researchers in the topic

London Integrability Journal Club

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Organizers: Andrea Cavaglià, Nikolay Gromov, Evgeny Sobko*, Bogdan Stefanski
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