London Integrability Journal Club

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HEP - theory mathematical physics exactly solvable and integrable systems

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Thursday 14:45-16:30 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Andrea Cavaglià, Nikolay Gromov, Evgeny Sobko*, Bogdan Stefanski
*contact for this listing

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Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuMar 2414:45Troels HarmarkTBA
ThuMar 1714:45Monica GuicaTBA
ThuMar 1014:45Shai M. ChesterBootstrapping N = 4 super-Yang-Mills on the conformal manifold
ThuMar 0314:45Riccardo BorsatoHomogeneous Yang-Baxter deformations as undeformed yet twisted models
ThuFeb 2414:45Joao CaetanoCrosscap States in Integrable Theories
ThuFeb 1714:45Gregory KorchemskyApplications of strong Szego limit theorem in AdS/CFT
ThuFeb 1015:00David VeghThe spectral curve of segmented strings
ThuFeb 0314:45Juan Miguel Nieto GarcíaJordan blocks and the Bethe ansatz: The eclectic spin chain as a limit
ThuJan 2714:45Arkady TseytlinWilson loop in general representation and RG flow in 1d defect QFT
ThuDec 0915:45Roland BittlestonBosonic string from Beltrami Chern-Simons
ThuDec 0214:45Jakub VošmeraD-branes in AdS3xS3xT4 at k=1 and their holographic duals
ThuNov 2514:45GONG SHOWLIJC Gong Show
ThuNov 1815:45Benjamin DoyonCorrelation functions of twist fields from hydrodynamics
ThuNov 1115:45Jake StedmanGauged sigma models from four-dimensional Chern-Simons
ThuNov 0410:00Simeon HellermanPrecision Correlators at Large R-Charge
ThuOct 2814:45Mykola DedushenkoQuantum algebras and SUSY interfaces in Bethe/gauge correspondence
ThuOct 2114:45Zechuan ZhengMatrix bootstrap revisited
ThuOct 1414:45Elli PomoniDynamical spin chains in 4D N = 2 SCFTs
ThuOct 0714:45Zohar KomargodskiRenormalization Group Flows on Line Defects
ThuJun 1713:45LIJC Gong ShowTBA
ThuJun 1014:15Vladimir KazakovDually weighted graphs and 2d quantum gravity
ThuJun 0314:15Ofer AharonyA gravity interpretation for the Bethe ansatz expansion of the N=4 SYM superconformal index
ThuMay 2714:15Gong ShowLIJC Gong Show
ThuMay 2014:15Congkao WenIntegrated four-point correlators in N=4 super Yang-Mills
ThuMay 1314:15Yunfeng JiangOPE coefficients in ABJM theory with giants
ThuMay 0614:15Balazs PozsgayCurrent operators in integrable models (a review)
ThuApr 2914:15Benjamin BassoScattering Amplitudes Near the Origins: Localization and Globalization
ThuApr 2214:15Vladimir KorepinLattice nonlinear Schroedinger equation: history and open problems
ThuApr 0114:15Sylvain LacroixAffine Gaudin models and integrable sigma-models
ThuMar 2515:15Igor KlebanovConfining or Not?
ThuMar 1811:00Takato YoshimuraTTbar-deformed conformal field theories out of equilibrium
ThuMar 1115:15Nikita NekrasovLefschetz thimbles in sigma models
ThuMar 0415:15Frank CoronadoTen dimensional hidden symmetry of N=4 SYM
ThuFeb 2515:15Benoit VicedoIntegrable E-models, 4d Chern-Simons theory and affine Gaudin models
ThuFeb 1815:15Volker SchomerusConformal Fourier Analysis and Gaudin Integrability
ThuFeb 1115:15Oleksandr GamayunModeling finite-entropy states with free fermions
ThuFeb 0415:15Junya YagiWilson-'t Hooft lines as transfer matrices
ThuJan 2815:15Gustavo Joaquin Turiaci2D dilaton-gravity, matrix models, and the minimal string
ThuJan 2115:15Charlotte KristjansenOverlaps and Fermionic Dualities for Integrable Super Spin Chains
ThuJan 1415:15Paul FendleyIntegrability and Braided Tensor Categories
ThuDec 1715:15LIJC Gong ShowLIJC Gong Show
ThuDec 1015:15Matthias WilhelmAn Operator Product Expansion for Form Factors
ThuDec 0315:15Jorge RussoPhases of unitary matrix models and lattice QCD in two dimensions
ThuNov 2615:15LIJC Gong ShowLIJC Gong Show
ThuNov 1915:15Jingxiang WuIntegrable Kondo line defect, 4D Chern Simons, and ODE/IM correspondence
ThuNov 1215:15Nicolai ReshetikhinSuperintegrable systems on moduli spaces of flat connections
ThuNov 0515:15Tristan McLoughlinNon-planar N=4 SYM: from integrability to quantum chaos
ThuOct 2915:15Roberto TateoThe TTbar deformation and a promising 4D generalisation
ThuOct 2214:15Lorenz EberhardtAn exact AdS/CFT correspondence
ThuOct 1514:15Rouven FrassekQQ-system construction for so(2r) spin chains
ThuOct 0814:15Florian LoebbertIntegrability for Feynman Integrals
ThuOct 0114:00Pedro VieiraMulti-point Bootstrap and Integrability
ThuSep 2414:00Yifei HeGeometrical four-point functions in the 2d critical Q-state Potts model
ThuSep 1714:00Davide Gaiotto't Hooft operators and Q-functions
ThuJul 2314:00Carlo MeneghelliPre-fundamental representations for the Hubbard model and AdS/CFT
ThuJul 1614:00Sergei LukyanovDensity matrix for the 2D black hole from an integrable spin chain
ThuJul 0914:00Marius de LeeuwSolving the Yang-Baxter equation
ThuJun 2514:00Joao CaetanoExact g-functions
ThuJun 1114:00Gwenael FerrandoFishnet CFT: TBA and Non-compact Spin Chain
ThuJun 0414:00Olof Ohlsson SaxCrossing equations for mixed flux AdS3/CFT2
ThuMay 2813:00Tamas GomborBoundary states, overlaps, nesting and bootstrapping AdS/dCFT
ThuMay 2113:00Ines AnicetoIntegrable Field Theories with an Interacting Massless Sector
FriMay 1513:00Shota KomatsuWilson loops as matrix product states
ThuMay 0709:00Dmytro VolinCompleteness of Bethe equations
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