Fermi seas from Bose condensates and a bosonic exclusion principle in matter Chern Simons theories

Shiraz Minwalla (TIFR Mumbai)

08-Sep-2020, 15:00-16:00 (4 years ago)

Abstract: I will study Chern Simons gauge theories in three dimensions coupled to (bosonic or fermionic) matter in the fundamental representation in the large N limit. I will first explain how previously obtained results for the thermal free energy in these theories can be generalized to values of the chemical potential that are larger than quasi particle mases. I will then use these results to find a simple explicit formula for the occupation number for a bosonic quasiparticle state of any given energy and charge as a function of the temperature and chemical potential. This formula is a generalization to finite 't Hooft coupling of the famous result of Bose-Einstein statistics. It implies the following exclusion principle for large N Chern Simons coupled bosons: the total number of bosons occupying any single state cannot exceed the Chern Simons level. Specializing to zero temperature I will also construct the phase diagrams of these theories as a function of chemical potential and the UV parameters. The phase diagram includes a Bose condensed phase, dual to the Fermionic Fermi sea. The runaway instability of free theories at large chemical potential is cured by the bosonic exclusion principle.

other condensed mattersoft condensed matterstatistical mechanicsstrongly correlated electronssuperconductivitygeneral relativity and quantum cosmologyHEP - theorymathematical physicschaotic dynamicsfluid dynamicsquantum physics

Audience: researchers in the topic

Kadanoff seminars

Organizers: Luca Delacretaz*, Nima Afkhami-Jeddi
*contact for this listing

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