Northcott property for special values of L-functions

Fabien Pazuki (University of Copenhagen)

25-Jan-2022, 08:40-09:10 (2 years ago)

Abstract: Pick an integer n. Consider a natural family of objects, such that each object $X$ in the family has an L-function $L(X,s)$. If we assume that the collection of special values $L*(X,n)$ is bounded, does it imply that the family of objects is finite? We will first explain why we consider this question, in link with Kato's heights of mixed motives, and give two recent results. This is joint work with Riccardo Pengo.

number theory

Audience: researchers in the topic

Japan Europe Number Theory Exchange Seminar

Series comments: The purpose of the Japan Europe Number Theory Exchange Seminar is to give a opportunity for researchers in Japan and Europe to exchange their research projects by giving short talks (30 min). The target audience are researchers of any level in the area of number theory.

Start for Fall 2021: 26th October

Organizers: Henrik Bachmann*, Nils Matthes
*contact for this listing

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