Graphical small cancellation and groups of type \(\mathrm{FP}\)

Ian Leary (Southampton)

14-Oct-2021, 14:05-14:55 (3 years ago)


Graphical small cancellation was introduced by Gromov to embed an expanding family inside the Cayley graph of a finitely generated group. We use this technique to construct a large family of groups of type \(\mathrm{FP}\), most of which are not finitely presented. This is the first time non-finitely presented groups of type \(\mathrm{FP}\) have been constructed without using Bestvina-Brady Morse theory. I will give an idea of how graphical small cancellation works and how we use it.

This is joint work with Tom Brown.

algebraic topologygroup theorygeometric topology

Audience: researchers in the topic

( paper | slides )

Geometry and topology online

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The talks start five minutes after the hour. Talks are typically 55 minutes long, including time for questions.

Organizers: Saul Schleimer*, Robert Kropholler*
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