Examples around the strong Viterbo conjecture

Vinicius G. B. Ramos (IMPA, Brazil)

02-Dec-2020, 15:10-16:30 (3 years ago)

Abstract: The Viterbo conjecture states that the ball maximizes any normalized symplectic capacity within all convex sets in R^{2n} of a fixed volume and that it is the unique maximizer. A stronger conjecture says that all normalized capacities coincide for convex sets. In joint work with Gutt and Hutchings, we prove the stronger conjecture for a somewhat different class of 4-dimensional domains, namely toric domains with a dynamically convex toric boundary. In joint work with Ostrover and Sepe, we prove that a 4-dimensional Lagrangian product which is a maximizer of the Hofer-Zehnder capacity is non-trivially symplectomorphic to a ball giving further evidence to the uniqueness claim of Viterbo's conjecture. In this talk, I will explain the proof of these two results.

differential geometrydynamical systemsgeometric topologysymplectic geometry

Audience: researchers in the topic

Geometry and Dynamics seminar

Series comments: On the week of the seminar, an announcement with the Zoom link is mailed to the seminar mailing list. To receive these e-mails, please sign up by writing to Lev Buhovsky (http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~levbuh/).

Organizers: Michael Bialy, Lev Buhovsky*, Yaron Ostrover, Leonid Polterovich
*contact for this listing

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