Grassmannian categories of infinite rank and countable Cohen-Macaulay type

Eleonore Faber (University of Leeds)

20-Aug-2020, 20:30-22:00 (4 years ago)

Abstract: This talk is about a categorification of the coordinate rings of Grassmannians of infinite rank in terms of graded maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over a hypersurface singularity. This gives an infinite rank analogue of the Grassmannian cluster categories introduced by Jensen, King, and Su. In a special case, when the hypersurface singularity is a curve of countable Cohen-Macaulay type, our category has a combinatorial model by an ``infinity-gon'' and we can determine triangulations of this infinity-gon.

I will first give an introduction to Grassmannian cluster algebras and categories, and then explain our limit constructions. This is joint work with Jenny August, Man-Wai Cheung, Sira Gratz, and Sibylle Schroll.

commutative algebra

Audience: researchers in the topic

Fellowship of the Ring

Series comments: Description: National Commutative Algebra Seminar

You have to register to attend the seminar; the registration link is on the webpage. But you only have to register once. Once you register for a seminar, your registration will be carried over (in theory!) to future seminars.

Organizers: Srikanth B. Iyengar*, Karl E. Schwede
*contact for this listing

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