On Erdős' Unit Distances Problem

Jozsef Solymosi (University of British Columbia)

31-May-2021, 14:00-15:00 (4 years ago)

Abstract: In 1946, Paul Erdős published a paper in the American Mathematical Monthly "On sets of distances of n points". He proposed two problems in discrete geometry. What is the minimum number of distinct distances among n points in the plane, and among n points in the plane how many pairs of points could be at unit distance from each other? The first question was answered almost completely by Larry Guth and Netz Katz in 2010, but the second, on unit distances, resisted all attacks so far. I will talk about the unit distances problems, and related questions.


Audience: researchers in the topic

Extremal and probabilistic combinatorics webinar

Series comments: We've added a password: concatenate the 6 first prime numbers (hence obtaining an 8-digit password).

Organizers: Jan Hladky*, Diana Piguet, Jan Volec*, Liana Yepremyan
*contact for this listing

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