Around Van den Bergh's double brackets

Maxime Fairon (University of Paris-Saclay, France)

10-Apr-2023, 15:00-16:00 (12 months ago)

Abstract: The notion of a double Poisson bracket on an associative algebra was introduced by M. Van den Bergh in order to induce a (usual) Poisson bracket on the representation spaces of this algebra. I will start by reviewing the basics of this theory and its relation to other interesting operations, such as Leibniz brackets and $H_0$-Poisson structures. I will then explain some recent results and generalisations related to double Poisson brackets.

quantum algebrarings and algebras

Audience: researchers in the topic

European Non-Associative Algebra Seminar

Organizers: Ivan Kaygorodov*, Salvatore Siciliano, Mykola Khrypchenko, Jobir Adashev
*contact for this listing

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