On entire function $e^{p(z)}\int_0^{z}\beta(t)e^{-p(t)}dt$ with applications to Tumura--Clunie equations and complex dynamics

Yueyang Zhang (University of Science and Technology Beijing)

20-Apr-2021, 13:00-14:00 (3 years ago)

Abstract: Let $p(z)$ be a non-constant polynomial and $\beta(z)$ be a small entire function of $e^{p(z)}$ in the sense of Nevanlinna. By using the classical Phragm\'{e}n--Lindel\"{o}f theorem, we analyze the growth behavior of the entire function $H(z):=e^{p(z)}\int_0^{z}\beta(t)e^{-p(t)}dt$ on the complex plane $\mathbb{C}$. We then apply these results to Tumura--Clunie type differential equation $f(z)^n+P(z,f)=b_1(z)e^{p_1(z)}+b_2(z)e^{p_2(z)}$, where $b_1(z)$ and $b_2(z)$ are non-zero polynomials, $p_1(z)$ and $p_2(z)$ are two polynomials of the same degree~$k\geq 1$ and $P(z,f)$ is a differential polynomial in $f$ of degree $\leq n-1$ with meromorphic functions of order less than~$k$ as coefficients, and precisely characterize entire solutions of this equation. This gives an answer to a problem in the literature and allows to find all zero-free solutions of the second-order differential equation $f''-(b_1e^{p_1}+b_2e^{p_2}+b_3)f=0$, where $b_3$ is a polynomial. We also use the Phragm\'{e}n--Lindel\"{o}f theorem to prove a theorem on certain first-order non-homogeneous linear differential equation related to complex dynamics.

complex variablesdynamical systems

Audience: researchers in the topic

CAvid: Complex Analysis video seminar

Series comments: Please e-mail R.Halburd@ucl.ac.uk for the Zoom link. Also, please let me know whether you would like to be added to the mailing list to automatically receive links for future talks in CAvid.

Organizer: Rod Halburd*
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