Wandering in complex dynamics

NĂºria Fagella (University of Barcelona)

17-Nov-2020, 14:00-15:00 (3 years ago)

Abstract: In a holomorphic dynamical system a wandering domain is a component of the stable (or normal) set whose iterates never meet. This type of components only exist in the presence of essential singularities and are the most unknown among all the possible kinds. In this talk I will explain what is and is not known about wandering domains and some of the most recent progress, which relates wandering dynamics to sequences of holomorphic functions on the unit disk (non-autonomous dynamics).

complex variablesdynamical systems

Audience: researchers in the topic

CAvid: Complex Analysis video seminar

Series comments: Please e-mail R.Halburd@ucl.ac.uk for the Zoom link. Also, please let me know whether you would like to be added to the mailing list to automatically receive links for future talks in CAvid.

Organizer: Rod Halburd*
*contact for this listing

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