Entropy and phase transitions for KMS-states of Pimsner-type algebras

E.T.A. Kakariadis (Newcastle U., UK)

31-Mar-2023, 12:00-14:00 (21 months ago)

Abstract: There is a well-developed theory of Kubo-Martin-Schwinger states (or equilibrium states) for C*-algebras, which are motivated by the properties of Gibbs states for finite matrices. They have attracted interest as they provide an invariant for classification up to equivariant isomorphisms of C*-algebras. There has been a growing study of their parametrization in particular for C*-algebras coming from Hilbert modules, which are generalizations of the Toeplitz and Cuntz algebras. In this talk I will give an overview about the theory of KMS states in this setting and present how the notion of entropy allows to identify phase transitions. Time permitting we will discuss how this works for graph algebras and Nica-Pimsner algebras.

functional analysisoperator algebras

Audience: advanced learners

Functional analysis and operator algebras in Athens

Series comments: For zoom coordinates, see webpage: users.uoa.gr/%7Eakatavol/anak2223.html

Organizer: Aristides Katavolos*
*contact for this listing

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