The smash product of monoidal theories

Amar Hadzihasanovic (Tallinn University of Technology)

20-May-2021, 13:30-14:30 (3 years ago)

Abstract: The smash product of pointed spaces is a classical construction of topology. The tensor product of props, which extends both the Boardman-Vogt product of symmetric operads and the tensor product of Lawvere theories, seems firmly like a piece of universal algebra.

In this talk, we will see that the two are facets of the same construction: a “smash product of pointed directed spaces”. Here, “directed spaces” are modelled by combinatorial structures called diagrammatic sets, developed as a homotopically sound foundation for diagrammatic rewriting in higher dimensions, while the cartesian product of spaces is replaced by a form of Gray product. Most interestingly, the smash product applies to presentations of higher-dimensional theories and systematically produces oriented equations and higher-dimensional coherence data (oriented syzygies). This introduces a synthetic, compositional method in rewriting on higher structures.

This talk is based on my preprint arXiv:2101.10361 with the same title.

category theory

Audience: researchers in the topic

( paper )

ItaCa Fest 2021

Series comments: ItaCa Fest is an online webinar aimed to gather the community of ItaCa.

Organizer: Progetto ItaCa*
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