Quasi-smooth intersection Mori dream spaces as quiver moduli and their Hodge numbers

William Montoya (UNICAMP)

04-Nov-2021, 19:00-20:00 (2 years ago)

Abstract: Mori dream spaces were introduced by Hu and Keel in 2000 as a natural extension of toric varieties in the context of the minimal model program. In their foundational paper, they provided a canonical embedding of every Mori dream space into a projective toric variety with orbifold singularities, a fact explored by Craw and Winn to construct Mori dream spaces as fine moduli of quiver representations. In this talk I will provide conditions for which a quasi-smooth intersection variety (a natural extension in toric geometry of the notion of a complete intersection variety) is a Mori dream space, allowing one to associate a canonical fine moduli of quiver representations. If time allows, I will also show how to compute the Hodge numbers of these quiver moduli. This is work in progress.

Portuguesecommutative algebraalgebraic geometryanalysis of PDEsalgebraic topologydifferential geometryfunctional analysisgeneral topologygeometric topologyprobabilityrings and algebras

Audience: general audience

Seminários de Matemática da UFPB

Organizer: Allan Freitas*
*contact for this listing

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