Effective gaps for time-periodic Hamiltonians modeling Floquet materials

Michael Weinstein (Columbia University)

02-Feb-2023, 16:30-17:30 (15 months ago)

Abstract: Featured Article: "Effective gaps in continuous Floquet Hamiltonians", SIAM J Math Analysis 54 #1 2022.

Featured Article Authors: Amir Sagiv and Michael Weinstein

Floquet media are a type of material, in which time-periodic forcing is applied to alter the material’s energy transport properties. Examples in classical and quantum physics include (i) applying a time-oscillating electric field to a graphene sheet to influence quantum electronic transport, and (ii) replacing a periodic array of standard optical waveguides by an array of helically coiled waveguides to influence the flow of light propagation in the array. The ability to modify energy transport via time modulation is recognized as having great potential for applications to information transfer, information processing, and other applications.

We discuss Floquet materials governed by a class of parametrically forced Schrödinger equations, which arises in the above examples: i ψt = Hε (t) ψ, Hε(t) = H0 + ε W ( ε t , -i ∇ ). (1)

The operator H0 = - Δ + V ( x ) models a graphene-like static material; the potential V has the symmetries of a honeycomb tiling of the plane. The family of self-adjoint operators T ↦ W ( T, -i ∇ ) is assumed to be Tper – periodic.

While the energy transport of the unforced system ( W ≡ 0 ) is governed by the band structure (Floquet-Bloch spectral theory) of H0 , that of the forced system is characterized by the monodromy operator, the unitary mapping ψ0 ↦ ψ ( ε-1 Tper ) , and its associated quasi-energy spectrum. Gaps in the band spectrum and quasi-energy spectrum, respectively, of static and Floquet materials, play an important role in their transport properties.

The evolution under Hε (t) of band-limited Dirac wave-packets (a natural model of physical excitations) is well-approximated on very large time scales by an effective time-periodic Dirac equation, which has a gap in its quasi-energy spectrum. But little is known about the nature of the quasi-energy spectrum of (1), and it is believed that no such quasi-energy gap occurs.

We explain how to transfer quasi-energy gap information about the effective Dirac dynamics to conclusions about the full Schrödinger dynamics (1). In particular, we show that (1) has an effective quasi-energy gap, an interval of quasi-energies whose corresponding modes have only a very small spectral projection onto the subspace of band-limited Dirac wave-packets. The notion of effective quasi-energy gap is a physically relevant relaxation of the strict notion of quasi-energy spectral gap. Physically, if a system is tuned to drive or measure at momenta and energies near the Dirac point of H0 , then the resulting modes in the effective quasi-energy gap will only be weakly excited and detected.

This lecture focuses on joint work with Amir Sagiv (Columbia University) appearing in the article: Effective gaps in continuous Floquet Hamiltonians, SIMA 54 #1 2022.

analysis of PDEs

Audience: researchers in the topic

Seminar In the Analysis and Methods of PDE (SIAM PDE)

Series comments: The Editorial Board of SIMA and the officers of the SIAM Activity Group on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (SIAG/APDE) are launching the Seminar In the Analysis and Methods of PDE (SIAM PDE) to be held on the first Thursday of the month at 11:30am ET, except in August and January. The COVID-19 pandemic and consequent social distancing call for online venues of research dissemination. This webinar will serve as a way to recognize achievements in our area, and it will be expected to help promoting the standing of both SIMA and APDE. Further, these webinars should be beneficial to mathematicians who are in relatively isolated places.

This webinar is intended to continue well beyond this social distancing period. There are two type of SIAM PDE webinars: (i) Colloquium-type webinars by outstanding speakers presenting a survey of results on a topic where critical progress was recently achieved (and not necessarily published in SIMA); (ii) Webinars by outstanding authors based on some of the best articles accepted by SIMA. To launch the webinar series the initial six seminars will be of the Colloquium-type.

The talks are open to the public and, due to security reasons, all attendees have to register by following the link siam.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wShvDipBQw6WafNN6QO5wg

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Updated information and schedule will be available at sinews.siam.org/Details-Page/seminar-in-the-analysis-and-methods-of-pde

The SIAM PDE Webinar was initiated on June 2020:

By the SIMA Editors:

Robert Lipton, SIMA Editor-in-Chief (Louisiana State University, USA)

Athanasios Tzavaras (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)

By the SIAG/APDE Officers:

Organizers: Jose Carrillo, Irene Fonseca, Jonathan Mattingly, Anna Mazzucato (Chair), Felix Otto, Catherine Sulem, Alexis Vasseur, Clarence Eugene Wayne
Curator: Sara Daneri*
*contact for this listing

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