A Quantum Vacuum Model Unites an Electron’s Gravitational and Electromagnetic Forces

31-Mar-2022, 15:00-17:00 (2 years ago)

Abstract: When physicists attempt to create a model of a fundamental particle, the immediate objective is to have the model match the particle’s known properties. However, for the model to be considered “useful”, it must ultimately make correct predictions that advance science. This presentation is about an electron model that went beyond achieving an electron’s known properties and generated correct predictions.

The original objective was to match an electron’s wave-particle and point particle properties. However, the model unexpectantly also generated an electron’s gravitational and electromagnetic forces. Most surprising, the model predicted these forces are related through a nonlinear effect incorporating an electron’s wave properties. For example, gravitational and electrostatic force equations between two electrons are stated using the electron’s strain amplitude raised to two different powers. These insights reveal the underlying physics of how an electron creates both a gravitational field and an electric field.

The seminar will start with a description of the assumed quantum vacuum model. John Wheeler’s “quantum foam” model is analyzed and expanded to include the calculated impedance of spacetime and the bulk modulus of spacetime. The electron model must achieve an electron’s de Broglie wave characteristics. This requirement dictates the electron model must be a wave with Planck length amplitude that is rotating at an electron’s Compton frequency with ħ/2 angular momentum. Besides subjects covered in the title paper, electrical charge, electric fields, and photons will also be discussed.

mathematical physicsgeneral physicsquantum physics

Audience: researchers in the topic

( paper )

QM Foundations & Nature of Time seminar

Series comments: Description: Physics foundations discussion seminar

Current access link in th.if.uj.edu.pl/~dudaj/QMFNoT

Organizer: Jarek Duda*
*contact for this listing

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