Interior eigenvalue problem for localisable quantum lattice models in condensed matter

Fabien Alet (CNRS)

17-May-2022, 07:00-08:00 (23 months ago)

Abstract: I will provide an overview of numerical techniques that have been proposed to obtain eigenstates deep in the middle of the spectrum of many-body quantum systems. This problem is particularly relevant for systems which do not follow the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. I will discuss spectral transforms methods -- trying to review different strategies and works --, and focus in particular ont the shift-invert technique. Examples of applications in the field of many-body localization will also be presented. In conclusion, perspectives will be given on how to perhaps improve these methods and applications to other fields.

condensed matterHEP - theory

Audience: researchers in the topic

Numerical Methods in Theoretical Physics

Organizers: Anosh Joseph, Byungmin Kang, Dario Rosa, Masaki Tezuka, Junggi Yoon*
*contact for this listing

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