Localizations of bound states of a renormalized Hamiltonian

Fumio Hiroshima (Kyushu University)

11-Jun-2020, 09:00-09:50 (4 years ago)

Abstract: We study the ground state of the renormalized and non-renormalized Nelson model in quantum field theory. Localizations of the ground state are discussed. The ground state can be seen as a function of the position variable $x$ and the field variable $\phi$. We show the spatial exponential decay in $x$ in terms of the Agmon metric and Gaussian domination in $\phi$ for the ground state. The super exponential decay of the number of bosons in the ground state is also shown. To show the localizations we apply the Gibbs measure associated with the ground state.

high energy physicsmathematical physicsanalysis of PDEsspectral theory

Audience: researchers in the topic

Scattering, microlocal analysis and renormalisation

Series comments: Mondays: aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/j/9036772485 Meeting ID: 903 677 2485

Thursdays: us02web.zoom.us/j/6094800950 Meeting ID: 609 480 0950

Please e-mail the organizers for the password meeting. Please keep in mind that the schedule on researchseminars.org might refer to your local time zone.

Links to the slides can be found here: drive.google.com/file/d/1uu6ZvU6zlGalJpZR7ZDi7igsvBMBylOA/view

Organizers: Claudio Dappiaggi, Jacob Schach Møller, Michał Wrochna*
*contact for this listing

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